MA AZ-ZUBAIR Pamekasan Student Field Study Visit to BPS Pamekasan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pamekasan Regency

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MA AZ-ZUBAIR Pamekasan Student Field Study Visit to BPS Pamekasan

MA AZ-ZUBAIR Pamekasan Student Field Study Visit to BPS Pamekasan

February 6, 2025 | Other Activities

Today, class 11 social students at Madrasah Aliyah AZ-ZUBAIR Pamekasan had the opportunity to conduct a field study at the Pamekasan Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Office in order to deepen their understanding of the Price Index and Inflation.

During this visit, students got direct insight from statisticians into how inflation data is collected, analyzed, and its impact on the economy. They also learned about the role of BPS in providing accurate data for the government and society.

Through this experience, students not only understand the theory in textbooks, but also see how economic data plays a role in everyday life. Hopefully this visit will further increase their enthusiasm for learning!
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Pamekasan - Jawa Timur

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