- - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pamekasan Regency

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Pamekasan Regency in Figures 2023 is avaliable and can be downloaded here


Catalog Number : 1101002.3528090
Publication Number : 35280.1611
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : September 26, 2016
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Publication of the Regional District of Kadur Statistics published by Statistics Pamekasan contains a variety of data and information about the District elected Kadur analyzed simply to help data users understand the development progress and potential in Sub Kadur. Publication of Regional Statistics Sub-district Kadur published to complement the statistical publications that have been published regularly every year. In contrast to the publications that already exist, this publication more emphasis on analysis. The material presented in the District Regional Statistics Kadur contains a variety of information / selected indicators related to development in various sectors in the District of Kadur and hoped to become a reference / study in the planning and evaluation of development activities.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten PamekasanJl. Bonorogo No. 34A

Pamekasan - Jawa Timur

Indonesia 69323 Telp (0324)328834






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