BPS-Statistics of Pamekasan Regency Performance Report 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pamekasan Regency

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BPS-Statistics of Pamekasan Regency Performance Report 2023

Catalog Number : 1202059.3528
Publication Number : 35280.24001
Release Date : February 16, 2024
File Size : 1.9 MB


This report contains an overview of the achievement of targets as stipulated in the 2023 Performance Agreement (PK) document and the 2020-2024 BPS Pamekasan Regency Strategic Plan (Renstra), at least presenting information about the achievement of the organization's goals and objectives, the realization of the achievement of the organization's main performance indicators, an explanation adequate performance achievements, and comparison of performance indicator achievements up to the current year with the planned 5 (five) year performance targets. At the Regency/City level, the achievement of strategic targets in the form of important outputs and others is reported. It is hoped that the results of this report will be used as input for evaluation to achieve more optimal performance in the coming year.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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